I've received notice this morning that I am to sit on the jury in the Court of Public Opinion.
This Court was convened by the Labour Party following the news that Fred 'The Shred' Goodwin would keep his pension. Harriet Harman declared that the sum of money was 'unacceptable in the Court of Public Opinion.'
The Court of Public Opinion will now be hearing evidence against 646 MPs. Many of the MP's will argue that the evidence presented by the prosecution, in the shape of the Daily Telegraph, is not admissable in the court as it has been stolen. However a precedent was set in March 2009 when Harman asserted that the rule of law did not apply in CoPO.
Unlike other courts in the UK, CoPO is unusual in as much as it has a jury of 60,000,000 people, drawn from all sections of the population, representing all colours, religions, sexualities and every village, town and city in the country.
Initial judgement will be passed by CoPO on June 4th, with a secondary, final ruling to be handed down by July 2010.
The decision of CoPO is final, there is no appeal, either in the UK or in Europe, and the judgements are severe.
1 comment:
I think we and the Chinese populace might have a meeting of minds on this one.
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