Wednesday 9 March 2011

Don't it make you proud?

Yes, The Economist's Democracy Index ranks us 19th out of 26 in democracies around the world.

Clicking image should, viagra like, make it bigger.

Yes, the UK, not as good as Malta or Luxembourg, slightly better than Mauritius and Costa Rica.

Still, could be worse, the Italians and French are ranked under 'flawed democracies'.

It's the only time I can think that I'd like the European parliament to be recognised, I wonder which category they would come under? Hybrid regimes, perhaps? That'd put them in the same category as such luminaries as Hong Kong SAR, Albania, Malawi and Palestine.

It's enough to make you swell with pride.


Anonymous said...

At least it's not 26th and bottom of the heap (yet).

Angry Exile said...

It's the only time I can think that I'd like the European parliament to be recognised, I wonder which category they would come under?

Is "Yes, officer, I do recognise the thieving, deceitful cunts" a valid category?